Trent and Julian

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Porch Swing
My new porch swing has arrived!!!!! So happy about that. I didn't open the box yet
because the front porch is still a mess!!!! I figured I would have a week to clean it up but my swing came really fast.
Tomorrow I will take a peak inside the box and start the cleaning process. Mostly we have big items that need to be taken to the garage.Also baby stuff has accumulated.
A car seat, umbrella stroller and of course the never ending work out equipment,Oh yeah and an ice hockey table.It gets overwhelming finding places to put all our stuff.
Our house is small compared to newer houses.I appreciate what we have but sometimes I wish we had more room and closets,lol!!!! Any way here are photos of what you see when you step on my front porch.
Hopefully ,the next photo I post will be the porch all beautified!!!!!!!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Front porch
I am excited to start working on a neglected area of our home!!!!At the end of last summer I painted the front porch and it looked pretty cute.I had wanted a porch swing for it but couldn't find one .I tried Craigslist,yard sales ,etc. Fast forward to this winter when we had Paloma's baby shower. We had to put a lot of our workout equipment onto the front porch and it is not cute!!!!!! My hubby decided to join a health club so he doesn't need the equipment and we have started carrying some of it to the garage. The porch is still filled with an abundance of stuff and I need to clear it out.
I found a porch swing from a catalog and ordered it so finally I have a reason to beautify the porch again!!!!! It has been something I wanted since we bought this house but there where so many more important items that needed to be purchased first. I can't wait until it arrives.Here are photos of the porch from last summer.I will take some before and after photos s
so you can see what I have been living with for the whole year,lol!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Weekend update
This weekend flew by!!!! Our older son stopped by and spent a few days with us so it was nice. We started my pantry project but it seems like it will be way more involved than we thought. Not sure if it will happen now so I am bummed about it.I will have to convince hubby to persevere. We are having a heat wave here.It has been in the 100's so we spent a day at the beach with all our kids. A good client gave me a brand new beach umbrella after I was talking about trying to find one. I was so excited that I manifested one free. The universe surprises me with little things that bring a smile to my face.
Today I am watching little Weston!!!!! This is only the second time I have watched him while Paloma is working.He is happily napping at the moment.I am getting back into the routine of being with a little one again since our youngest is 10 years old!!!!! Also our (new ) washing machine broke again and I am so lucky that the repair person was able to come today and had the part to fix it!!!! I only had to go to the laundromat once(that was enough). Here are some photos of our weekend.
Friday, July 13, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Photo wall
I know I have posted our photo wall before but we have been adding and adding to it!!! LOL. I love sepia toned photos so most of the photos are sepia tone and a few I have in black and white. I also love the look of using different frames.I also mix gold and silver. I have eclectic taste so I don't mind the mix and match look,lol!!!!! I also love photos ,the problem I have is that our house isn't bigger to display( I am running out of walls). I have been rotating photos around the house to change things up but the photo wall will remain.I love walking up the stairs ( a million times a day) and seeing my memories of my kids and husband and now grand baby!!! It really makes our house feel like a home!!!!! I
also found a cool app that makes collages for you and you can add decorations to your photos called PhotoWonder for the iPhone. Love it!!!! Here are photos of some of the collages and the photo wall. Have a great day!!!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Clean up day!!!!
Just cleaning the house today.My focus this morning is my bedroom. It never seems to stay clean. We don't have a tv in the living room any more (but I NEED one there) so hubby and I live in our room!!!! Usually we accumulate junk/laundry during the weekend and he is also home Mon. and Tues. so I start the routine of cleaning our room on Wed.
Today I chose to start with my dresser.I love my dresser.It is the one that I painted last summer and was going to sell but decided to keep it instead.I have used vintage trays and antique dishes to sort my jewelry beauty products. The problem is that I have so many beauty products/hair products, but that is a good problem!!!!! It was getting cluttered so I moved a lot of them into my dressing room.Here is the end result...
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Heat wave
We are in a heat wave here in Wisconsin!!!!! It was 105 degrees near our home which was bizarre since we live so close to the lake.It is usually at least 10 degrees cooler by us than other areas in town. Not so this past week,so we actually bought a large air conditioner for the main floor yesterday!!!!! I am very happy that we found one at a decent price and that we found one at all!!!!! We bought the last of the two left at Menard's and Lowes was sold out. So we were lucky!!!!!
When we got home we set up for our BBQ and found out our gas grill no longer worked!!!! We were disappointed (especially after cleaning it in 105 degree weather!!!) So plan B came into effect cooking /grilling our burgers in the kitchen lol!!! Thank god we have installed the french doors in the kitchen to separate the heat from going into the dining room /living room parlor where the cool air was. Any way we had a festive fourth of July.Our town has fireworks off of the lake and we found a spot to watch them down the block from our house.It is across a little park and there is no crowd so it is comfortable to be there.The Lake gets so crowded with people from all over town that our secret spot is a blessing!!!! Baby Weston watched a few minutes and fell asleep!!! We were happy it wasn't to loud for him. Here are a few photos of our day and night somehow some of my photos disappeared off my phone.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy Fourth of July!!!!!!
So we are enjoying this long weekend!!!! My hubby is home on Mon. and Tues. so this is a nice treat!!!! We have had a full weekend.Sunday we went to a friend's daughter's birthday party and the boys had a great time.There was a bouncy slide there and all the kids were entertained for hours!!! My kind of fun. It has been in the 90's here so it is hot!!!! We live in an old house which I am sure you all know and we do not have central air!!!! We have window units in our bed rooms so I have been mostly trying to stay cool. I am still doing the usual laundry,cleaning the rest of the house and then I need a break and have to come in our room ,lol!!!! Monday we went on a date to a restaurant on the harbor and it was a lot of fun.The food was great and the view was so pretty!!!!! Hubby has been taking me on dinner dates lately and it's been really great. I've been able to wear my new dresses and get out of my mom gear,lol!!!!
Today we are having a bbq ,Paloma and baby Weston are going to come over and join us .Hopefully it will cool off later today.Hope everyone has a great fourth of July!!!!!
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