My husband mentioned last night that a client of his told him the Bombay Company store was closing and having a sale .We live near an outlet Bombay store so I convinced him to go with me.Today was the last day so everything was pretty much gone.I was looking for a new bed and they only had a few left but the wrong size.As I was looking around I noticed that there was a sign on some store fixtures that I thought were really cute .Originally they were priced at $250.00 but now they were $50 each.My husband thought that is a really good price so we proceeded to try and purchase them.One man had purchased two of the fixtures already so he was taking items off his shelves and we had claimed two shelves so we started to take items off of our shelves.One employee gave us an allen wrench to take the shelves apart and start wrapping up the glass shelves.Well, this women employee starts yelling "I don't know what is going on" ,"these items are off the shelves".My husband and I are like we already talked to a salesperson about buying them and then this other manager(the Fixture manager) starts yelling at me who did you talk to ? I basically pointed to the sales person who was helping me wrap the shelves.So finally I pay for the shelves and my husband has to stand near these things because everyone else is trying to buy them even after my husband is like these are ours!!!!While my husband is pulling the car around I have to stand and guard them!!!! i felt like I was in Fileene's basement on a wedding dress sale day!!!!!! We loaded our items and had to go through the back of the store(store's policy) and then I over heard the "b----- salesperson" say to another one,You better stay in the back I don't know what's going on people are going in and out of here loading things in their car.I wanted to whipp out my receipt but I was already so stressed out .I actually felt like I was having a minor panic attack.Very weird experience,but when we got home we built the shelves and we really love them!!!!
It was a close out company that is handling the sell off of all the stock. A few years ago the Fiance and I were in a Kmart that was being liquidated. I got a frantic call from the Fiance yelling at me to GET OUT OF THE STORE. I didn't know what was going on. When I got out front he told me that the STUPID people running the liquidation had left all the gun cabinets unlocked and open and the ammo all over the counters.
That explains it!!!!!
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