A good friend gave me this vintage chalkboard,it came from her son's preschool.I had admired it at her house and one day she said she was getting ready to move and remembered that I really like the chalkboard.So she gave it to us.Now this thing is very very heavy!!!! At first my hubby wasn't sure about mounting it on a wall. I whined and pleaded so he gave in.I had it in the kitchen before and it was really great there.Since we removed part of the wall,I wasn't sure that it looked good in there anymore.I decided to bring it into the dining room.This room is under a makeover.It was a red color before(which I LOVED) but I needed a change so it is now a very peaceful blue.Well,the red chalkboard didn't look quite right so I painted it a dark gray color.I wanted to preserve the vintage feel so I sanded off some paint and let a little of the red come through and then sanded it more to really look worn at the edges.Well,we had so much trouble finding studs in the wall to mount this thing!!!! My husband made so many holes in the wall and I was freaking out about them.Then my son and I had to hold this up while Trent drilled the screws through the wall.It was one of those stressful moments.This chalkboard is over 100 lbs. so it really needs to be secure. Now all this room needs to be complete are my new curtain rods and tile installed in back of the wood burning stove!!!!!
Ooo! I really like it.
I remember hauling an old chalk board into my best friend's 3rd floor apartment in college... this chalkboard was at least 3'x4' though. They are QUITE heavy!
Thanks!!! I originally wanted this in my kids room which is on the second floor but hubby was like "no way".
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