When we bought this house almost 4 years ago the first thing I wanted to change was the screen/storm door.It just didn't look right.My husband said it was fine and he did not want to change it!!!! I suffered looking at this door and wished somehow I could convince him to change it.About a few months ago one of the windows fell out and so we basically had this door with a half window on the lower part.I really was cringing every time I walked in my house because that is the first thing that you see.Then last week the second window fell out(probably from kids slamming it) and I tried to fix it .It stayed in but I finally convinced hubby that this looked really bad and what would our clients think when they come over. So today we bought a new door .It is basically the same door but it looks so much nicer.I measured the door and then had my hubby measure the door so we would have EXACT
measurements.We bought our door at Home Depot and asked a worker if these measurements are true to what they say on the box,he reassured us, oh yes they are true to size.When we got home and started installing, the door was about 2 inches to short (in width) so I had to take the door back and buy the next bigger size.It sucks!!! Now I have to wait until tomorrow to finish the job!!!
We have that same door... I finally ripped it out when we took the siding off! Still looking for a good replacement.
I really wanted to buy a wrought iron decorative door but did not want to spend $5oo .We basically bought the new version of the same door.At least it will look new!!!
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