We had a very low key Thanksgiving dinner at home.Hubby did most of the cooking and I baked the pumpkin pies. We had our 6 year old son Julian as our assistant!!!! Also our son Trent turned eleven yesterday!!!!! We gave Trent our presents but we will have a party on a different day as well. It was definitely nice staying home.We usually go to Chicago to friends or family's houses but this year we didn't want to drive. My husband had to work today so that makes getting up harder when you drive late the night before.I actually dressed up yesterday . I am tired of being in paint splattered and drywall mud covered outfits!!!! Here are pictures of our Thanksgiving dinner !!!!
Trent and Julian

Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving Day
We had a very low key Thanksgiving dinner at home.Hubby did most of the cooking and I baked the pumpkin pies. We had our 6 year old son Julian as our assistant!!!! Also our son Trent turned eleven yesterday!!!!! We gave Trent our presents but we will have a party on a different day as well. It was definitely nice staying home.We usually go to Chicago to friends or family's houses but this year we didn't want to drive. My husband had to work today so that makes getting up harder when you drive late the night before.I actually dressed up yesterday . I am tired of being in paint splattered and drywall mud covered outfits!!!! Here are pictures of our Thanksgiving dinner !!!!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I spent the day yesterday painting our middle section of the basement.When I was all done I decided I needed to re-mud a few spots!!!! UGGGH!!!!! I am feeling a little depressed about the state of our basement!!! It is an ongoing project. I am hoping to lightly sand the spots later today and pray they are done!!!! I only have a small amount of paint left so I probably will need to go to Lowes and buy more!!!! On the bright side I really like the color i picked out!!!! It is a grayish,slightly greenish blue. I also will re-mop the floor to try to get all the drywall dust off.We will be putting a laminate wood floor down but not right away .
Monday, November 17, 2008
Victorian sofa
I am so excited!!!! We finally found an antique Victorian sofa !!!!! I have been wanting one for years.The ones I saw were always outrages prices.Well,I found one on Craig's list for a really great price!!!! It will be reupholstered eventually but for now I am happy!!!!! It is pink!!!! I just put a faux- fur throw on the seat where the repairs are needed.The sofa is from the late 1800"s so it feels like it belongs in the house!!!! I bought batteries for camera so here are a few photos!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Not quite done!!!!
I have to say I got my hopes up too soon about painting.There was more sanding to be done and a few spots needed to be re-mudded.I am so over this basement project!!!! It just keeps lingering on!!! I was able to paint a closet and one wall, so that was cool!!! Now I have a cold and feel like crap but over all feel better than last week.I didn't write about it but I sliced my finger open with a knife.It was pretty nasty but it is healing nicely!!! I probably shouldn't be painting but this needs to get done and I go back to work on Sat. so I have to get used to using my thumb again.My camera ran out of batteries so I can't post photos until this weekend!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Today,I will finally start painting the basement!!!! My daughters room is down there and we will start with her room.She picked out a really pretty pink .I am excited to get our house back in order.The last thing we have to do is put in the laminate wood floor but hubby thinks we will have to wait until after xmas (darn!!!) We also have to tile one wall in the bathroom w/ subway tile . I am in the process of picking out colors for the middle room in basement(hangout room).I am leaning toward an accent wall of gold/mustard and the other walls a grayish/blue.When we are all done I will repaint our laundry/shampoo room a slate blue also.So much painting so little time!!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Sneak peek!!!!
I have been looking for lockers to buy for a long time. Tuesday,hubby and I picked up lockers in Illinois that I found on Craig's list!!!!! I should of bought a second set but we really don't have room in our current house(darn!!!) .Originally I envisioned these lockers in the basement .That is where our hangout room will be.But,sadly hubby doesn't think they will fit down the narrow stairway.So,we put them in our living room.I absolutely love them.They will help with clutter.We are painting the doors different colors.Each kid gets to pick the color for their locker.My two youngest wanted to paint theirs so here is a photo of them painting with some help.There is a lot of prep taping involved so I have no idea when I will finish.I have 5 more to go!!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
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