I started painting the living room the week after christmas and needless to say I still have to finish.I need more paint,also I need to take the tree down to paint the last corner.Taking the tree down is so boring!!! All the excitement of putting it up is sssoooooo not there when it is time to take it down!!!!!!I still have to make my goals for the year.They have been rattling around in my brain and now I have to commit it to paper.I really believe in goal setting.Sometimes they don't happen the way you thought but alot of them have a way of manifesting!!!!!!!! I also have alot of goals for the house but I will try not to stress too much.We almost have my daughters room ready to go.We are redoing our basement.We need to start the bathroom(in basement) ASAP!!!!! Our house has only 1 bathroom and we have 6 people. Here are some pictures of the living room makeover(before and during)
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