Today an abandon house that was directly behind my house was torn down.This house has been empty for years.My kids and I called it the "haunted house".The family that lived there before left without taking any of their belongings.So you would see curtains half off the window and it was really creepy!!!!! My husband and I would talk about buying the property and fixing it up but I really thought I would like to buy the house and tear it down and make the land part of our property since we have no yard.Today as I was in the kitchen I see this house being torn down.It was really exciting to see this
but it was nerve wracking because our house is only a fence away. Here are some pictures. The white house is mine.It was a close call!!!!!
I'm putting a bunch of new blog links up on my little chunk o' blogland. I'd like to put 2 of your pics in the post (links back to you). Let me know if that's OK. Here's my email: iloveupstate @ gmail.com
I got antsy and put it up, let me know if you want me to take it down. Thanks!!
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