I lost my post about thanksgiving so I am trying again!!!!! We had a mellow day ...for us.Actually we were buying our roaster oven (for the turkey)in the morning.I was surprised stores were open.Walmart was closed and Kmart which is always empty( has become my favorite store for that reason)was packed!!!!! We bought what we needed and went home only to go back to buy another pan.Can you tell I am not much of a cook????
I mostly cleaned the house and Trent did most of the cooking with my daughters help.
We had a really nice time.It was just Trent and the kids.One day when we buy our weekend house I would love to celebrate holidays there.Anyway,I am very grateful for our house that we have.We have done alot of work for only being here 3 yrs.Last year the"big project" was installing the 700lb. woodburning stove.In retrospect we should have hired someone.The chimney pipe fell on my husbands finger and broke it, grazed my sons head and he had to get stitches.Also Trent couldn't work with his finger broken (we are both hair stylists so I filled in at his salon which I didn't even work there.)I am grateful the kitchen ceiling went well with no injuries!!!!!!! Next year we are going to finish our bathroom and who knows what else!!!!!!
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