Yesterday I decided to cut off all my hair!!!!! I've been feeling like I needed a new look for a while.My husband is a superstar stylist and I wanted him to cut my hair in a trendy short style. I was feeling like I was in a rut.I had been growing out my hair for the last 5 years and I was bored with it.WHEN I styled it ,it looked good but lately I just put it up in a ponytail .I felt very soccer mom-ish!!!! Here are photos -What do you think???? I am training my son Tristan to color my hair since Trent hates coloring it!!! I am a stylist also but I mostly color hair.
It looks great!!! Posh Spice has nothin' on you.
I need to do something new/drastic with my hair too. I don't style it, I'm a wash & blwodry...and walk out the door girl.
Thanks this is definitely easier for me!!!! But now I feel like I have to wear makeup!!!!
Va Va Voom!
Funny, I also thought Posh Spice too. I think it's your cheekbones.
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